Monday, February 18, 2013

A Colloquy of Fantastic Truth

You cannot convince people to love you. This is an absolute rule. No one will ever give you love because you want him or her to give it. Real love moves freely in both directions. Don’t waste your time on anything else.

Cheryl Strayed - Tiny Beautiful Things 


Do you want me to tell you something really subversive? Love is everything it’s cracked up to be. That’s why people are so cynical about it. It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don’t risk anything, you risk even more

Erica Jong (via ohlili)


I think everything in life is art. What you do. How you dress. The way you love someone, and how you talk. Your smile and your personality. What you believe in, and all your dreams. The way you drink your tea. How you decorate your home. Or party. Your grocery list. The food you make. How your writing looks. And the way you feel.
Life is art.

(via ceremonyviolence



Picture this ...

Red stained lipstick…withered progeny
Slithered silhouettes… Fiery sun rays
Couture shades
Crop tops.. Wilted shorts
Thigh high hoses ….with countless holes  ..  
Broken moon on carved abs
Soft tan highlights … Cropped style hair
Angled checkered hat… lit cigarette between purple polished fingers
Swirling Merlot  …6 piercing holes
Hazel brown orbits …
Charlatan circles…
Snow like fur… 
Pale tiresome life form ….
Salon pressed cuticles… red dust loafers
Stick like frame’
Smooth ginger bread coat
My Style
