Thursday, May 24, 2012


This… text…this beautifully written piece of art..says it all:).....This is all that I live for…if nothing else… 

"Hot showers that are eight degrees away from scalding the skin in winter morns. Comforters and hot coco on a dreary day, the first few notes of my favorite song emanating from the radio’s battered speakers and the sound of rain hitting gently against the window pane. Differently hued pens, clean papers and journals filled with horribly written thoughts under my pillow. Messily piled novels on my bedside, a worn out bookmark inched between one of the books’ yellowed pages and reliving my favorite moments of the book, enraptured in its the aftertaste. Munching on my favorite desserts without feeling guilty about sinning against my waistline, cold malt or cold chocolate milk on an especially scorching day and air conditioner turned on at just the right Fahrenheit. Serial killer movies and novels and television shows, a hearty guffaw or two and spending hours to no end with family and friends. Sleeping till noon, the sight of thousands of books in a public library and dreaming of creating the impeccable library of my own. Sincere compliments, gentle kisses and tightest hugs. Coming across attractive guys and soul-stirring paintings and thought-provoking prose. Tears fraught with joy or relief, the art of winning and floating in water, submerging into a new world free from noise and worries. Perfection is the little things, the insignificant moments you remember the most when circumstances no longer go your way, those ephemeral seconds that take your breath away."
Enjoy them<3

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